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Free Astrology Software Free Download


Professional Free Astrology software based on vedic astrology from Astro-Vision. Ideal for Astrologers and Astrology Students. Contains both calculations as well as predictions. This free astrology software also provides you a choice of chart formats, like, North Indian, South Indian, etc. This means you can generate Free horoscope reports according to your individual requirement. It includes a large database of cities from all over the world. Additional cities can also be added, making the list of cities fully customizable. Various ayanamsa settings are included in this Free Indian Astrology Software, such as Chitra Paksha ayanamsa or Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa, Krishnamurthy ayanamsa and Thirukanitham ayanamsa.It includes Panchang predictions and detailed Bhava predictions based on the influence of planets on your character and life. Predictions in this free astrology Software covers analysis of the first house, for predictions on personality, physical structure, status. A brief prediction based on the effect of the current Dasa and Apahara is also given. It also calculates the birth star and also provides the entire list of associated star qualities.All charts, calculations and analysis provided in this Free astrology software are based on Vedic Astrology. The dasa as well as dasa balance at birth is also provided along with the rasi chart. It also provides the bhava chart. The sudarshana chakra chart is also presented. A brief summary of Vimshottari Dasa Periods is given. Details of the Dasa and Bhukti ( Apahara) periods are given with details of the arambha and anthya for each Bhukti ( Apahara) within each Dasa period. It also provides a brief mention of the effect a yoga can have. The combinations which resulted in the yoga are also given for easy reference. A free personalised Astrology toolbar is also included which provides Personalised Daily Predictions, Daily Numerology Predictions and the Panchang. Download this Free astrology software right now !

Tags: free astrology, free horoscope, free vedic astrology, free indian astrology, free hindu astrology, free horoscope based vedic


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