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The Mixture Free Download


501c3 church corporate church problems & answers revealed by a reluctant prophet. The pages of this eBook reveal a plan was put in place, and implemented for over 70 years now, to coop the churches of America into service to the United States corporate Democracy government and negate the churches power to effect change and restrain evil in the our country. Now the crafty plans of deceptive and evil men have been exposed and there is no denying it, and no turning back. Further, the first giant step in how to undo the damage and get our country back on track is apparent; but do the men of God in our America have the will and character to do it or will the lure of money, and prestige, and power be, or remain, their god, in mass? Let's explore that question together as you get deeper and deeper into the this multi-media presentation and you make your decision whether or not to do what you can to work together with me and others to help return God's People and our country back for our God and Lord, Jesus Christ. God has used a reluctant prophet to uncover something that can change our country. Yes, the truth has been uncovered and secret plans revealed. Within the Pages of my book-eBook, The Mixture - 501c3 Appearance of Evil you will find out how the church and our country, United States of America, have been compromised and changed to the point where our Founding Fathers would not recognize the country that they created if they were alive today. However, the truth is something that most Christians will not want to hear. It's a sacred cow to many believers in our country, and they don't even realize it is because the importance and effects of it have been craftily hidden or ignored. As you will see in this work, even Insider - President John F. Kennedy, started to speak about these men and crafty things going on behind the scenes, and he was assassinated soon after.

Tags: church, corporate church, ekklesia, assembly, christian, jesus christ


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