Scientists around the world are enamored with the burgeoning science of psi because of the limitless possibilities it presents for revolutionizing Human Life and society to potentially change the whole course of human development, evolution and civilization! However, it does not take a rocket scientist to see that we all could use more energetic resources to fuel our lives. This explains why many of these scientists consider the latest PK breakthroughs as being even more significant than the "discovery" of the New World by Christopher Columbus. The F.P. Discovery certainly qualifies as the kind of breakthrough that is comparable to the discovery of the New World. Imagine having that much power right at your fingertips and under your control to affect Your Life! Well, this manuscript gives you direct access to that very same and very real psi power that is your gift from the Universe and your birth-right to use. In fact, many scientists concur that if the existence of psi phenomenon was definitively proven, then it would change the whole course of human evolution.
Without question, "This Is PK" it is a rich artifact for bringing all of humanity one step closer to the higher levels of existence. With the lower forces of darkness and evil so prevalent on this planet in this age of Kali, "This Is PK" is that light, which can help rescue one from all miseries of existence in the material world. This eBook is here to teach you the best ways of controlling your PK and electrokinetic potential, which is based on sound modern scientific research.
Tags: yoga, chakras, transcendentalism, psychotronics, occult, telekinesis, psychokinesis, mysticism, hare krishna, bhakti yoga, mind power, kundalini energy, meditation, hinduism, shakti, karma, mind over matter, parapsychology, consciousness
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