Dogs & Puppies Screensaver and Wallpaper. Bring Dogs and Puppies directly into your living room! This screen saver is full of delightful photos of favorite pets that can be shared by all. Each image can be set as Desktop wallpaper and the utility will cycle your wallpaper every day or every hour. It has all the popular breeds: Shelties, Golden Retrievers, Husky, Pointers, Terriers, Hounds and even mutts! Dogs & Puppies screen savers are powered by a first-rate screensavers engine that lets you set the duration between images, see images full-screen or at original size, use up to 21 transitional effects, is password protected, and many more advanced features
Tags: dogs, screensavers, puppies, wallpaper, screen saver, free, screensaver, animals, savers, breeds, pups, pets, shelties, golden retrievers, husky, pointers, terriers