Between 65 - 90 million years ago, during late Cretaceous period, the dangerous, carnivorous Tyrannosaurus-Rex ruled the Earth. Let this screen saver take you on a voyage into the past...
A group of Ornithomimus has gathered in swampy area to quench their thirst. Suspecting nothing, they saunter about the swamp in the afternoon sun.
A little ways off, a monstrous T-Rex has picked up their scent. This carnivore moves in their direction, opens its enormous jaws and runs roaring towards its prey. However, the little dinosaurs are much faster than the giant predator and get away just in the nick of time.
Order now and witness the fight for survival that went on millions of years ago!
Tags: legendary dinosaurs, legendary dinosaurs screensaver, dinosaurs, dinosaurs tyrannosaurus, tyrannosaurus, tyrannosaurus screensaver, cretaceous period, dangerous tyrannosaurus, carnivorous
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