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Apiculture and The Honey Bee Free Download


This ebook contains chapters on species of honey bees, biology of the bee, social structure of a bee hive, anatomical adaptations in bee castes, honey making by workers, honey bees as pollinators, language and communication, bee keeping in India, honey bee predators, honey bee diseases and products of apiary. Bees visit flowers, collect nectar and convert it into a golden-yellow aromatic viscous fluid called honey, which is aptly called the “liquid gold of nature”. There is nothing comparable to honey, whether natural or manmade. It is a complete food made and stored by honeybees for use by the whole colony during lean period. Honey bee workers possess remarkable ability and stamina to collect nectar and pollen from flowers and convert it into honey and bee bread. To make 500 grams of honey, bees have to extract nectar from more than 4 million flowers, for which they have to make about 50,000 trips of the foraging area of 5 km radius, which would come to roughly 5 times the circumference of earth. Workers of a single bee colony collectively make approximately 2-3 million flower visits in a day. Know mind-boggling facts. Honeybees live in all parts of the world except the Polar Regions. Know mind-boggling facts about honey bees that will change the way you see the insect world.

Tags: apiculture, beekeeping, species honey bees, biology, social structure, anatomical adaptations castes, honey making workers, honey bees pollinators, lanuage communication bees, keeping india

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