Which of These Powerful Methods Found Inside My Manual Could You Use to Master Your Classroom Control?
Mr. Seganti's 10 Classroom Rules(airtight and copyright). Worth the price of the book just to know exactly what rules and procedures you need to cover every student loophole and manipulative tactic for a smooth year. Then I will teach you the important part—how to prevent when possible and enforce when necessary.
10 Biggest Teacher Discipline Mistakes–when you recognize one of these you can stop doing it immediately, saving you years of lost energy and stress—just not doing one of these is worth the price of the book.
7 Rules for Teachers –These will keep you in the right ‘frame' so that you know exactly how to respond to any situation, even if you haven't experienced it before.
What to Do When Administration Doesn't Back You Up. - Feel like your Counselor or Dean doesn't support you? I will let you know exactly what to say to them to have them wishing every teacher used your discipline plan. When they find out how you take the heat off of them they'll love you for it.
What to do if the class is already out of control- sure, it's best to have these techniques from Day 1. But here's how to achieve these results even after things have gotten out of control.
To learn more about Classroom Discipline 101 Software, visit: http://www.dollarpiles.com/info2/classroom_discipline/
Tags: classroom management, classroom discipline, classroom discipline system, classroom control, effective classroom discipline, classroom behavior problems, managenet plan, discipline plan