Deep Zen Meditation:
You Download the MP3s
After your order is accepted you will receive access to our membership system. With login access all of your downloads are available from one easy to use, easy to find place. Then, simply download to your favorite listening device.
You Listen Through Headphones
Some companies offer "Isochronic" programs that do not require headphones. (We do too) However we have found the programs that require headphones are FAR more powerful and effective.
You Relax, Deeply
Unless you are distracted or using the program incorrectly it is virtually impossible to not feel deeply relaxed, at a minimum. Most people experience far greater sensations of happiness and even euphoria. Remember this is based on real science. It works!
People Who Meditate Have Lower Blood Pressure
Numerous studies have shown that individuals with high blood pressure
show significant drops in blood pressure when they engage in frequent
meditation sessions. This is good news if you’d like to do away with blood
pressure medications – with the consultation of a physician of course.
Consistent Meditation Helps Undo Bad Habits
As you meditate you can explore inner emotions and by doing so you will
discover they are not as overpowering as you fear. You will also discover
that by putting awareness on emotions that influence your behavior that
you gain the power to change and eliminate them.
Habits are driven by a desire to feel something different than what you
are currently feeling. Sometimes it is obvious why you want to change
what you feel; sometimes it is not.
Through deep meditative introspection you will recognize why you do what
you do and in the process gain the awareness to make different choices
that align with you you want to be.
Other PROVEN Benefits of Meditation
Reduced Cholesterol Levels
Meditation Makes People Happier
Meditation Improves Overall Health
Meditation Helps Reverse Heart Disease
Meditation Reduces Anxiety
Tags: deep meditation, reduces anxiety, improves overall health, reduced cholesterol levels, meditation helps reverse heart disease