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Free eBook Publisher Free Download


Free eBook Publisher is completed freeware released by FlipPageMaker. It is a comprehensive application that was built as a converting and publishing utility for creating professionally formatted content. With the help of this application users can easily add Text and RTF files and create Doc and PDF archives. To provide eBooks that satisfied readers' appetites, let's know more about what eBooks actually are. EBook is electronic, downloadable books that can easily be accessed on a wide range of eReader devices and platforms, like Apple iPad, Mobile device, and your home computer. Millions of customers discover new ways to purchase and read eBooks every day. Free eBook Publisher is such practical application that will help to achieve the critical first step successfully. Then what can you do with Free eBook Publisher? Double Import and Output Selections: Import Text and RTF files; Output to Doc or PDF format; Create blank new file; Setup page layout contains Page Size, Margins, and Orientation. Professional Text Editing Tools: General font styles, font size, font color; Highlight a part of the page by change it black border, inclined, underlined, or shaded of color; Shrink font size and hang the text to top or bottom right corner. You may need it when edit formula and function; Text alignment ensures the eBook pleasing and inviting; Copy/Cut/Paste operation would help to save a lot of time. Full Assistive Tools: Spell Check to avoid spelling mistake; Hide a part of the page content when necessary; Find text content with Find helper; Find and replace text quickly; Add frames to selected part; Add table to anywhere on pages; Insert hyperlink to targeted part. All in all, Free eBook Publisher is powerful application for publishing eBooks. It is free, even though it provides many useful features.

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