PowerPoint Find and Replace Utility is an outstanding Find and Replace software tool developed to Find and replace multiple words and phrases in multiple PowerPoint files simultaneously. The tool is also adept at different formatting tasks like- Bold, Italic, underline, Back color, fore color, Font, Match case, strikethrough etc. in multiple files effortlessly. Purpose of the software is not only to carry out Find and Replace and Formatting tasks but perform these tasks expeditiously. The tool has been equipped with whole lot of advanced features to carry out Find and Replace and Formatting tasks in PowerPoint files. Tool is very simple to use and user needs just a few clicks of the mouse to perform most operations. User can carry out Find and Replace and formatting tasks following few simple steps. First of all user needs to select files by clicking on ‘add files’ or ‘add folder’ buttons. On clicking ‘add files’ button user needs to select files but on clicking ‘add folder’ button files get added automatically. To go to next step user needs to click on ‘add words’ button and enter words and phrases in ‘Find what’ and ‘Replace with’ boxes and perform find and replace tasks effortlessly. Batch find replace feature of the software tool allows the user to find and replace words with the help of wildcard utility in various PowerPoint files like PPT, PPTX, PPTM at one go. The tool also carries out formatting tasks with similar ease. The tool also provides a log file which gives all details about data processing. Software is compatible with different windows platforms like Windows XP/Vista/2007/2008. These features make this search and replace tool for PowerPoint files very efficient. Utility of this tool is immense in present scenario as PowerPoint is one of the most frequently used Presentation tool necessitating use of software tools assisting the users in its use.
Tags: powerpoint search replace, find replace, search replace tool, find replace tool, multiple words
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