The FillPerfect Automatic Form Filler fills out on-line job applications, log-in screens, web-site registrations, purchase forms, and other on-line forms quickly, easily and accurately. FillPerfect analyzes key words and phrases in their context, automatically filling in name, address, contact information, education and employment history, references, military service, career goals and other items found on employment applications, website registrations and purchase forms.
Sensitive user information, such as credit card numbers and passwords, are securely encrypted. Unlike other auto fillers, the easy-to-use FillPerfect Automatic Form Filler handles check boxes, radio buttons, and selection lists in addition to text entry. FillPerfect clearly highlights uncommon and job-specific fields it cannot automatically complete, making for quick and accurate review of forms prior to submission. Job seekers using FillPerfect complete four or five job applications in the same time that they used to spend completing just one application, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.
Designed specifically for job hunters, but of great value to anyone who routinely completes on-line forms, the FillPerfect auto form filler supports different profiles for different types of jobs, provides quick-access to job boards and job hunting resources, and has a time-saving auto-fill lock feature to fill in forms as they are loaded without a single extra mouse click. Another time-saving feature is the Quick-Access list where users can, with one click, add their favorite web sites to the Quick-Access list for quick, two-click access to all of your favorite web sites.
For all types of forms, the FillPerfect form filler eliminates tediously typing the same information over and over, saving time and helping you to avoid embarrassing mistakes.
A short video showing the FillPerfect Automatic Form Filler in action can be seen at and on YouTube.
Tags: form filler, automatic form filler, auto filler, automatically fill forms, application filler, hunting tools, employment application filler, autofill, resume distribution, tools unemployed, free form filler
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