FREE adult browser and porn downloader keeps your browsing activities and files private and lets you download and keep any file types, includiing streaming Flash files.
WARNING: This software is restricted to adults 18 years and older.
Rated #1 by Maxim Magazine as the "best way to hide your adult files".
* Surf the web in complete privacy. Find, download, and view images and videos without leaving a trace.
* Free porn downloader lets you download and keep any type of content, including streaming Flash files.
* Burn video DVDs and watch them on TV or export your movies to your iPod or other mobile device.
* Organize your files into collections and playlists. Drag-n-drop arrangement of everything. Mass file renaming.
* Use video bookmarks to tag your favorite scenes in a movie.
* Mass Downloader / Web Crawler feature lets you download all the images and videos from a website with one click.
* Panic button instantly closes program. Forced confession feature lets you enter an alternate password, which launches your default browser instead of HeatSeek.
* Popup protection against viruses and malware.
Guaranteed to be 100% free of spyware & adware.
TechCrunch: "...they cleverly thought this through...makes adult browsing more efficient and more secure."
Recommended by Playboy Radio, TheBachelorGuy.com, and many others. Awarded the highest rating by Tucows (5 stars).
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