FrontFace for Business allows you to directly and precisely distribute important information or notifications from various sources such as RSS feeds, SharePoint, Intranet, e-mail accounts, Twitter accounts or instant messaging (IM) applications in real time to the users' computers. Based on the importance and type of information, different visualizations are available such as "toast notifications", full screen pop ups, a desktop news ticker, etc.
FrontFace for Business is an easy to deploy application that is installed on the company's client computers (Windows XP, Vista or 7). Predefined or user defined subscriptions access various data sources (so called message providers), e.g. RSS feeds, SharePoint lists, E-Mail, Twitter feeds, business and sensor data or messages sent by instant messaging servers (XMPP/Jabber). The retrieved information is then processed by FrontFace for Business and displayed in an appropriate way, e.g. on a Desktop news ticker, as pop up, full screen pop up or toast notification. It is possible to pre-configure the application and to restrict the possible configuration options for the individual users. This allows creating an enterprise communication solution that always fits perfectly!
Typical Applications of FrontFace for Business:
- Integration of a holistic, multi-channel enterprise communications strategy (covering SharePoint, Intranet, SMS, e-mail, RSS, instant messaging, etc.)
- Productive, well-targeted enterprise information management
- Information logistics for companies with distributed sites, agencies or stores
- Proactive communication with users from the IT helpdesk
- Mass notification or altering of single users or entire user groups
- Surveying employees and field force staff
- Monitoring information systems and IT infrastructure (e.g. servers)
- Monitoring the Web and social media channels (Google, Twitter, etc.)
Tags: xmpp, jabber, notification, messaging, corporate, business, enterprise, twitter, alert, altering, communications, information, distribution, send, notify, news, feed, ticker, popup, news ticker, toast, informed, mass, scrolling, tape, sharepoint
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