Want to broadcast mass business alerts or personalized messages instantly? Use GSM usb modem software that successfully broadcast unlimited alerts, offers, mobile coupons and text messages from windows PC connected with any kinds of USB modem in simplified manner. Download mass messaging software provides economical, fast and easiest platform to compose and send group SMS, standard messages and flash SMS without demanding any internet connection. Powerful and easy to use mobile messaging application facilitates all class of user to attach multiple USB modems with windows based desktop or laptops for sending unlimited of events reminders and product updates messages in single mouse clicks. Cost-effective GSM usb modem program structured with inbuilt delay delivery option to manage entire heavy load of bulk messages broadcasting in ideal way. Advance featured SMS sending program empowers quick and reliable delivery of all bulk text messages all over the world at other mobile phones regardless of their service providers. Technically strong GSM usb modem program beneficial for advertize corporate product, services or brands to drive large volume of customers towards business which results in fast increases revenue and sales. Innovative bulk SMS program for USB Modems proven itself one of the appropriate and easy to use business marketing tool to spread product awareness among local and global targeted clients by broadcasting limitless business related messages instantly.
* Award winning SMS texting utility is fully capable to work with all kinds of USB modems to convey mass number of messages to single or group of phonebook contact numbers.
* Advance GSM usb modem application empower user to import phone number from PC xls/txt files or mobile phone memory while broadcast group SMS.
* Economical Group SMS broadcasting program integrate with list wizard option that easily manage entire contact numbers in simplified manner.
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