ManyCam free webcam effects software turns your webcam and PC into a live video studio. Use your webcam with multiple apps simultaneously. Broadcast your desktop or draw over your video window. ManyCam also allows creates awesome audio sound effects. ManyCam's built in Studio Pro live webcam switcher allows you to easily switch between different video sources instantly and broadcast to Ustream.tv, Justin.tv, Youtube, Skype, or anything else!
ManyCam comes with free access to a vast webcam effects library with thousands of audio and video effects. You can also create your own custom webcam graphics. For example you can make a custom pair of glasses that appear over your eyes and move with your face when you move. ManyCam uses facial recognition technology to track your face movements to line up with your webcam effects. ManyCam not only comes with face effects like glasses or masks but it also has filters. Use the pencil filter to make yourself appear as if you're a drawing, or use the fire filter to make it look like you are on fire. ManyCam has hundreds of live video filters.
You can use ManyCam with any video application. Just go to the application's settings and choose ManyCam as your video or audio source. Play a movie for your friends on Skype, Google+, or Facebook Video Chat, show your desktop, a still photo, or draw over your video. ManyCam also allows you to broadcast four video windows simultaneously or picture in picture video.
ManyCam is great for recording a screencast to your hard drive. Go to the Studio Pro tab and click the record button to begin recording a webcam video to your hard drive.
Tags: manycam, free webcam effects, webcam, video switcher, audio effects, draw over video, virtual webcam driver, webcam driver, audio driver, live broadcasting, switching, text over video, webcam graphics, screencast