Do you want to promote your products via broadcasting unlimited text SMS and increases sales in short span of time? Download mobile SMS applications allow user to compose and convey single message to enormous mobile phone users at single click. Technically powerful and easy to use mobile text messaging software facilitates user to forward bulk sms to one, group or complete phonebook number entries in single click. Advance featured mass SMS broadcasting program provides easy, fast and cost effective solution for sending birthday, anniversary or other occasions invitations to large volume of people in less span of time. Economical mobile SMS applications professionally sends various personalized messages related to warm wishes, thoughts, jokes etc to list of friends by attaching GSM mobile phones with PC. Affordable mobile marketing application used by stock brokers to forward unlimited stock updates to their worldwide clients. Simple to use mobile messaging utility proven itself one of the economical communication solutions to interact with organization partners and customers across the world without any internet connection. Award winning bulk SMS sending software easily forward unlimited job alerts, discount alerts, appointment reminders, events notifications, business advertisements, seasonal greetings, promotional campaigns, alerts and many more from GSM technology based phones to other local or global mobile phone users without any web connectivity.
* Advance featured mobile SMS applications forward messages and save them in xls, txt or html file which can be viewed by users later for future references.
* Technically strong bulk SMS sender program competent enough with all major GSM technology based mobile phone device.
* Award winning PC to mobile SMS software allow user to connect multiple GSM cell phones with windows PC at same time to send thousands of messages simultaneously.
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