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I.P. Notify Free Download


An I.P. address is a piece of information collected by all web servers that determines you, as being you.(a unique number associated with you). It's how I.S.P(Internet Service Providers)('s) know who you are, and where you are surfing online. In some situations, you may need to know what your real I.P. (Internet Protocol) address is. This information is particularly useful, if, for example : You are trying to host your own web site, on your own computer, yet you are stuck with a dynamic I.P. address. A dynamic I.P. address is an I.P. address that changes at random each time that you log-on to your I.S.P. (Internet Service Provider). Your I.S.P. (Internet Service Provider) determines your I.P. address automatically for you when you log-on. It is totally transparent to the end-user. You. With I.P. Notify, you are notified of your I.P. address when it changes in synchronicity of your I.S.P. With I.P. Notify you are notified when your I.P. address changes, automatically near your windows system tray. In style of your favorite messenger, ICQ, MSN or Google Talk windows appear near your system tray every time your I.P. address changes. Your I.P. can also optionally be copied to your windows clipboard automatically via a few tweaks of I.P. Notify. A shell script or executable file can also be executed upon change of your real I.P. address with I.P. Notify. With I.P, Notify, running your own server on your own computer with a dynamic I.P. address is now a simplicity. Let worries of I.P. address changes be a thing of the past! With I.P. Notify, know your REAL, not server-side, I.P. address as it changes - in real-time! It also serves as a good foundation on how to use's XML feed service in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, since it comes complete with full source code for free! And did I mention that I.P. Notify is completely free of charge? No? Well it is!

Tags: what, real, i.p., addr, addy, address, dynamic, source code, source, v.b., visual basic


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