Using a step-by-step plan to business-building, the 'Super Affiliate Handbook' answers all of the questions you will have and many, many more. Here are some examples of what you will learn:
* You get 233 information-packed pages of practical tips and real-life examples of WORKING affiliate sites (Note: After reading the Super Affiliate Handbook, the Affiliate Manager at decided to recommend the Handbook to her other affiliates.)
* "How To" strategies to save you money, time, and effort while building your affiliate marketing business.
* Get an easy-to-understand 5-step overview of the business-building process.
* Discover the top 25 mistakes that 'normal' affiliates make, and how to AVOID them.
* How to create a web site that keeps visitors coming back for more.
* 29 ways to market your affiliate sites online and off.
* Why you must stay away from the 'flea market' approach to Internet marketing.
* How to assess a market for profitabilty.
* Discover which products are actually sold online.
* Learn which programs to avoid and when to drop others.
* Where to find free software that saves both money and time.
* Learn how to negotiate a raise in your commissions.
* Discover exactly which qualities and actions set super affiliates apart from their less productive counterparts.
* Learn how to stop Thieves from Stealing YOUR Commissions.
* Discover the features your web host must have to get the best value for your buck.
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