Here's just some of the diamonds hidden away for you inside The Way To Trade:
The three little-known stages you must pass through as a trader before you can even begin to make money. You'll discover where you are now and where to head next for maximum profits. Page 12.
The four greatest secrets known to successful traders. Top traders are unable or unwilling to share these secrets - because they have an advantage over you. Their advantage is now revealed in full for you to see from page 60.
10 simple trading steps that you can start today to send your profits soaring into the stratosphere. You'll be amazed at how easily one of these steps is overlooked - the most important one. Page 199.
"STOPS! Are they really necessary?" Could your profits rocket without them? Finally an end to the fiercest ever debate in trading history. WARNING: be prepared for an earth-rocking answer. Page 105.
Learn critical lessons at the expense of others in these 55 steps to trading riches. Don't even think of taking another trade until you discover how to avoid step 21, or you may not survive to regret it. Page 15.
EXPOSED: the truth about market myths peddled by the "experts" and designed to mislead and misinform you. For big-time profits you will learn to side-step the loss-making reaction they want you to have. Find out how and why on page 195.
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