Internet marketing is becoming one of the highest return-on-the-investment strategies these days. Cheap and effective, targeted e-mail sending replaces those older marketing methods due to its fantastic reach and convenience. Acquiring e-mail addresses of your potential customers is a cornerstone of successful e-marketing. The possible ways of acquiring e-mail addresses are: purchasing e-mail databases from various companies on the Internet or getting them manually from the websites of interest.
If the last option is for devoted time-wasters only, the first one could cost you real much: besides the actual price of several hundreds to several thousands dollars, there is a high risk of purchasing non-targeted or outdated databases. This in turn may result in low return rate and what's more important bring you to legal problems since your actions can be qualified as sending unsolicited mail (SPAM). So is it a dead-end? No way! Presenting Email Hunter, the innovative software solution for extracting e-mail addresses from your target-audience relevant web sites! Atomic Email Hunter allows extraction of e-mail addresses from web sites basing on extensive set of your criteria. The application operates in two modes: either searching for e-mails on the given web site or searching e-mails on web sites containing required search term (keyword). In both modes the search depth can be specified as well as whether the program should follow the links and comply with robots.txt restrictions. Atomic Email Hunter is capable of using proxies and identifying itself to web servers as a specified user agent. The application can use large number of independent threads to search for e-mails at blazing speeds. Besides highly configurable behavior, Atomic Email Hunter features eye-pleasing user interface and is capable of saving data to disk as well as exporting e-mails found to Microsoft Word and Excel applications. If you are serious about e-marketing you should definitely give it a try!
Tags: email, extractor, extract, grab, grabber, harvester, collect, mail, email extractor, email grabber, email harvester, email collector, extract email, email addresses
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