People looking to change Lotus notes files into MS Outlook environment often get confused in choosing a reliable tool. They usually come across various issues by selecting an ordinary third party tool. Selection of a trustworthy tool is the best way of proceeding towards a faultless PST to NSF conversion. Kernel for PST to NSF is the best available utility to perform PST to NSF migration effectively. It carries out a quick conversion of email messages and other items of MS Outlook user profiles to Lotus Notes user profiles. By using this PST to NSF conversion software, you can effortlessly exchange every item of the Outlook PST file such as emails, contacts, sent items, notes, appointments, drafts, journals, Unicode characters, calendars, alarms, tasks, attachments, images, text formatting, email properties. The tool is integrated with interactive and self-explanatory user interface so that even a non-technical user can easily conduct the PST to NSF conversion with ease. In order to familiarize users with its features & functionalities, now this tool is available with free evaluation version which can be downloaded from the site. However, the demo version has same features like the full version but it restricts from saving all the converted NSF files. In fact, it allows you to save only first 10 email items of converted NSF email file. Kernel for PST to NSF tool creates an Outlook folder in the “Folders†section of Lotus Notes from where you can quickly access the converted folders of Outlook PST file. For more details:
Tags: outlook notes conversion, outlook notes, conversion, converter
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