With Public WEB PST for Outlook you will have web access to Outlook, live without any time differences. Updates are made automatically in real time in the Microsoft Office Outlook. From deleting messages or adding a new contact to scheduling a meeting or creating a new task. All items that you create mobile over Public WEB PST for Outlook, are updated immediately in your Outlook at your office. Microsoft Office Outlook customers can schedule meetings online, keep track of their calendar or share calendars with other users worldwide whether or not they use Microsoft Office Outlook. When you return to the office, you never have to worry about staying up to date, because all your information is stored on the office Outlook PST file. Best of all, you can access this information virtually anywhere, with or without a personal notebook. You need only a computer with internet access like in a internet café, hotel lobby or any other computer with internet access. Microsoft Office Outlook customers can send e-mails immediately, with Public WEB PST for Outlook. E-mails are sent and stored in the local Office Outlook PST file, in your office. World wide access to your Outlook without an Exchange Server. Each user can create, read, add attachments, delete and send E-mails, live in their own Outlook over the Public WEB PST online interface. Access to your contacts, that are stored in your Outlook Addressbook are also available to you when you want to send e-mails through Public WEB PST. The access to your Outlook is a live connection. All changes are updated immediately, directly in your Outlook on your PC. Public WEB PST for Outlook does not synchronize Outlook between another web based database. If you answer an email with Public WEB PST for Outlook, it will be sent immediately and it will be stored in your sent items folder in Outlook. Public WEB PST is based on the Microsoft IIS Server and on Public ShareFolder for Outlook, the PST sharing solution as an Exchange alternative.
Tags: access, outlook, outlook access, live, outlook live, mobile, outlook mobile, online, outlook online, calendar, internet calendar, exchange, groupware
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