a professional grade Internet mail server designed for small to medium sized business especially with multiple branch offices and for home office. Magic Winmail provides support for SMTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, WebMail, SSL/TLS secure, anti-virus, multiple domains, SMTP authentication, IMAP public folder, remote management, web administration, spam filtering, mailbox quotas, mail groups
> Support for popular mail client software like: Outlook Express, Outlook, Netscape, Eudora and much more...
> Multi languages and Hotmail-like webmail support which allows users to register a new account, write, send, and receive mails in a web browser.
> Anti-Virus mail function includes: API plugin, supporting polular Anti-Virus engines and setup of multiple Anti-Virus
> Broadband: DSL, ISDN, Cable Modem, DDN, LAN.
> ESMTP support.
> IMAP support.
> Support IMAP Public Folder, can setting view/post/delete right, can read by Outlook Express, Outlook, Webmail.
> LDAP support allows remote clients to search public contacts.
> Support SSL/TLS secure communication for SMTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, Admin.
> Supports multiple domains.
> Supports Mail Signing. The adminstrator may accept or reject the request when a user sends mail to other domain or local domain.
> Option to use NT authentication.
> Support Web Administration.
> The wizard tool enables the user to setup in just one minute.
> Support multiple administrators and independent domain administrator.
> Support WebMail setup as a virtual directory or a separate site of Microsoft IIS or PWS.
> Administrator remote control function via SSL protocol.
> Groups and mailing lists function, support everyone group.
> Support for POP3 and ETRN mail gateway. many people can share the one same mailbox.
> Spammer address filter by IP address and or Domain name.
> Mail header and attachment filtering.
> Support for email server software RBL.
> Supports DNS cache.
> Supports the conversion of MS-TNEF (winmail.dat) att
Tags: mail server, webmail, mail anitvirus, email server, esmtp, mail monitor, mailserver, emailserver, mail, smtp, imap, ldap
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