Active Directory Mass Updater is a simple tool for updating Active Directory objects in bulk. Active Directory Users, Groups, Computers, Contacts and OrganizationalUnits can be created and modified in bulk.
Bulk objects creation feature supports the following three modes
1. Importing from csv
2. Automatic bulk records
3. Adding records individually.
All the above three modes can be used together. More complex attributes like memberof, manager, etc can easily be set from properties dialog. And the properties box is customizable. Administrators can have their own tabs and attributes. Also Administrators can use macros in attributes and the macros are customizable. The process can be saved as csv file and can continue at time by importing the saved csv file. The process result can be saved as csv file for auditing purposes.
Bulk objects modification feature supports the following three modes
1. Importing from csv
2. Adding records from group (Can configure to load nested members and Not applicable for OrganizationalUnits modification)
3. Adding records individually. (Picking bulk records using search)
4. Adding records by selecting parent container. (Can configure to load nested children objects)
All the above four modes can be used together. More complex attributes like memberof, manager, etc can easily be set from properties dialog. And the properties box is customizable. Administrators can have their own tabs and attributes. Also Administrators can use macros in attributes and the macros are customizable. The process can be saved as csv file and can continue at time by importing the saved csv file. The process result can be saved as csv file for auditing purposes.
Also the actions Reset password, Unlock, Enable/Disable, Move, Join/Dis-join Groups, Send mail, Set protect from accidental deletion, Delete, Restoring deleted objects using advanced options can be done on bulk objects in a single click.
Tags: mass, active directory manager, active directory reports, active directory user creation, bulk management, active directory import, active directory export, adsysnet mass, active directory mass, bulk password reset
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