Transform AFP documents to PDF files with enterprise class software in high volume environment. The software enables PC users to convert AFP to PDF files by uploading or dropping AFP files into a hot folder and obtaining the conversion result in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) in an output folder. Since it's a server based product, you can share the input hot folder and the output folder as a network shared folder for your client users.
Key Features:
Convert AFP to PDF in batch
Create PDF with searchable text
Monitor hot folder for incoming AFP file and output PDF to a specified folder
Automatically load on system startup
Event logging
Optimize conversion from AFP to PDF either by speed or by quality
Translate inline form in AFP document to fill-able form in PDF file
Support 32bit full color conversion of AFP pages to PDF pages
Support RGB, CMYK, Device Gray color model
Import AFP files from Windows local or network shared folders
Speedy conversion to efficiently handle production sized jobs
Sharpen image and graphics in PDF output
Produce high fidelity PDF to the original print in AFP format
Generate live hyperlink, vector-based graphics, and searchable text in PDF file
Embed host fonts from IPDS/AFP document into PDF file
Support font mapping and AFM and PFB fonts
Provide PDF creation intents such as print, screen, and prepress optimization
Support PDF resolution from 72 dpi to 4800 dpi
Encrypt PDF output for security and limited access
Password protection with RC4 128-bit
Redefine paper sheet size and page orientation in PDF file
Support PDF meta data such as title, subject, author, keywords
Support PDF compatibility options from PDF version 1.1 to 1.7
Support text and graphics scaling and page stretching
Maintain directory tree structure for AFP to PDF conversion
Generate PostScript files as intermediate of the AFP2PDF transform
Multi-user server environment support for Microsoft Windows Server, Citrix Server, Web Server
Tags: , convert, transform, server, hotfolder, folder, conversion, converter
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