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GroupWebService Free Download


Users can add their account to a group. As user-self-service authenticated users in your company may use this website to add their account to a specified group. Usability *Use groups to grant access Your company uses Active Directory groups to grant access to ressources depending on the membership in a specific group. For some groups your users should decide by themselves if they want to be member of the group. Example: Access to a specific folder is secured by permissions given to a specific group. But basically users should be able to access this folder - but they have to initiate getting permissions. *Applications use groups for their own needs In your company you use Active Directory groups which are taken by certain applications. Example: An Anti-Spam-Application reads the memebership of a certain group to decide which mailboxes should be protected. Users can decide if they want to be protected or not. Features *Use an IIS Server in your company You might install GroupWebService on any IIS in your company. *Individualize You may customize the Website with your own phrases. *Security Using Windows-Authentication you guarentee secure access to the GroupWebService website. Only the authenticated user may add himself to the group. *Groups list The list of groups a user can declare to be member of will be configured by IT-administration. *Just-In-Time Immediatly after users declaration he is memeber of the group. *Administrative report Optional you might configure a mailaddress which receives a message when a new application has made. Summary *Use groups as recommended by Microsoft for granting access to ressources *Free up time of helpdesk if users might decide by themselves which ressources they want to have access to *Offer a comfortable webpage to allow users to applicate for ressources. *Control user applications by getting administrative reports.

Tags: user self service, groupwebservice, active directory, group, service, user, self service, group service, group management, gruppe, gruppen, gruppenverwaltung, benutzer, mitglieder


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