Whereas Isinteg Exchange 2010 utility helps resolving issues related to database integrity, it gets failed in case the database is damaged. Issues like checksum error, dirty shut down, virus attack, application failure, etc. often result in the damage of Exchange database file.
Damage to the Exchange database file means inaccessibility to users’ mailboxes and emails, contacts, etc. stored there in the mailboxes. Once the corruption has hit the database, email communication gets stopped until the damaged database is not replaced with the repaired one.
Kernel for Exchange Server Recovery software facilitates the user to repair Exchange database file damaged due to above specified reasons. The software comprises three Exchange recovery modes that help the user to repair EDB file according to the corruption situation.
First mode is Automatic Analyze and Recover, which is the fastest mode. It should be selected just after you have noticed corruption in EDB file. Second mode is Advance scan, which is slower than the Automatic Analyze and Recover mode. However, the mode is slow you should use it when Automatic Analyze and Recover mode fails to generate satisfactory results.
Third mode is Rebuild Corrupted Database, which helps you recreate the corrupt EDB file. Once the EDB file is recreated, delete the damaged EDB file and place the new file there to restart using Exchange Server.
Kernel for Exchange Server allows previewing the recovered mailboxes if you have been using the Automatic Analyze and Recover or Advance Scan mode. If you have selected the Rebuild Corrupted Database, you will not be able to preview the data of EDB file, however, the software provides you the Verify.bat file to help you check the health of EDB file before mounting it to the Exchange Server. For more information please visit www.isinteg.net
Tags: isinteg exchange, isinteg, isinteg syntax
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