JiJi Active Directory Reports Active Directory Reports enable Active Directory Reports for computers Active Directory Reports for OU Active Directory Security Reports Active Directory Reports for Groups Active Directory Reports for NTFS Active Directory Reports for Passwords Active Directory Reports for user logon Active Directory GPO ReportsT Active Directory User Reports Active Directory Reports for account lockout policy Active Directory Reports for LastLogon
Active Directory Reports enables IT organizations to extract vital data from Active Directory. Active Directory Reports provides the best solution to meet Active Directory Reports requirements. Active Directory Reports has reports list with over 450 out of the box reports
Active Directory Reports Tools information efficiently from the Active Directory while hiding the complexities of the native Active Directory Reports tools. Active Directory Reports can generate reports to help organizations gather information for regulatory audit suchas SOX/PCI/HIPAA.
Actions-Helps to do actions like delete, move, disable, enable and reset based on the reports in bulk.
Restore - Helps to restore the deleted users/computers in bulk.
Scheduler - Users can schedule report and get it in their mail box.
Domain Controller Settings - Users can specify the list of domain controllers not to be used. Also user can specify which domain controller to be used by default.
Search-Helps to locate a specific Active Directory Object quickly and accurately.
Print Reports-Helps to print reports.
Export Reports - Reports can be exported to PDF, CSV and Excel
Add/Remove Columns-Helps to customize the report columns.
PowerShell Scripting-Reports Generation can be automated using powershell script.
Scope - The report generation can be limited to OU in a domain, facilitating an OU based administration.
Custom reports - Users can generate the reports based on user-defined custom LDAP query
Tags: active directory reporting, active directory reporting tools, active directory security reporting, active directory user reporting, reporting active directory, reporting
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