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Excel Ignite Free Download


Excel Ignite is an Excel add-on that allows users to retrieve data from Internet APIs, using Excel's User Defined Functions (UDF). The program supports data retrieval from RESTful web services, from the Internet or local environments. Out of box, we support Alexa API, Amazon product advertising API, translation API, Issuer Identification Numbers (IIN) API, APIs, Edmunds VIN lookup APIs, EnClout domain APIs, APIs, APIs, Github APIs, Google Geocode APIs, Have I Been Pwned API, Maxmind minFraud and proxy, MyWOT (Web of Trust) API, (North American Industry Classification System), OMDB (Open Movie Database) API, Opencalais APIs, OpenWeatherMap APIs, Country API, Telize GeoIP API, Thesaurus API from Big Huge Lab and User Agent Parser API. The program is designed to be high extensible and adding support for additional web services can be easily done by adding configuration files (aka. Sources). Sources files are XML based and can be created or modified easily. The setup program contains a limited number of sources. More can be downloaded online at You are welcome to contribute more sources. For business environment with local web services, you can also create local sources files, and use the program to retrieve data.

Tags: excel, retrieve data, excel from


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