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Internet Marketing Suite Free Download


Internet Marketing Suite - The Internet marketing Suite combines our entire range of Internet Marketing and Web Promotion Tools into one simple pack. If you are serious about marketing your website online, then this is the solution for you! The “award-winning” web site promotion software package includes: SEO Suite - Search Engine Optimization & SEO Software, Mail Communicator - Email Marketing Software, PPC BidMax - Pay Per Click Software SEO Suite (combines Dynamic Submission , Web Ranking and Link Promoter) - Search Engine optimization software has never been so easy until the release of our new all in one program of SEO tools, the SEO Suite. Our new Search Engine Optimisation Software combines all the features of our award winning search engine submission software, web ranking tools and link promoter, to provide you with a complete and comprehensive internet marketing program that will increase your search engine position. Mail Communicator - Our very powerful Email Marketing software allows you to send bulk email marketing campaigns to your clients and subscribers. Keeping in touch with customers is so important and by utilising our effective email marketing software you can do this cheaply and easily. Mail Communicator is the most powerful Email marketing program on the market with email tracking & bulk emailing so that you can maintain contact with your customers. PPC BidMax (formerly Dynamic Bid Maximizer) - Pay Per click Bid Optimization and Management software has never been so comprehensive until the release of our new PPC Software that effectively manages all your Pay Per Click programs in one simple interface. Our Pay Per Click Bid Optimization Tools allow you to maintain your position in Google Ad Words, Yahoo! Search marketing, MSN Ad Center as well as all the other major PPC Search engines so that you can maximize your campaigns ROI!

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