Online Web-Site Studio
This product is a professional website with online edition (a browser technology).
When you upload Online Web Site Studio (OWSS) on a php host, you will receive an universal website. It
can be edited directly from your browser.
For example:
1. To visit your site, you will have to type address:
2. To edit your site, you will have to type address:
("site-name" must be replaced with your real site name).
At first entrance the password is: admin (then you must change it).
When editing use only the computers with the operation system: Windows.
You can use all alphabets: Latin, Cyrillic, Chine, Arabic and so on…
You do not risk the safety of your computer because you do not install "OWSS" on your computer ( you
upload "OWSS" on a php host (server)).
To work with "OWSS" is like playing a kids game
giving at the same time professional results.
How to use "OWSS"?
1. Download it (it is a zip file).
2. Unzip it.
3. Buy an web space on a server (a php host).
4. Upload all contents from the unzipped folder: "owss" on the server.
For the uploading process you will need a ftp program. We recommend you to use the freeware and the
word fames ftp program "FileZilla Client". You can download it from the following address:
5. Type in the browser, address:
("site-name" must be replaced with your actual site name).
6. To enter you will need a password.The first password is: admin
1.The php web hosting must allow reading from txt files and recording txt files (text files). All php
hosting with payment allows for these options.
2. Please when editing use only the browser - Internet Explorerversion 8.
By "OWSS" you can add more options to your website(if you already have got an website).
Tags: blog, online, website, editor, edition, maker, tool, flash, actionscriptl, site, online edition, online editor, html editor, blog editor
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