Estimate Master is for:
- Any Contractor
- Construction companies
- Landscaping businesses
- Sign-makers
- Plumbers
- Electrical contractors
- Floor-covering specialists
- Retailers
- A database of your customers, estimates, parts, materials, labor rates and formal bids allows you to define parts, materials and labor rates and activities specific to your business.
- Quick and easy estimate creation from your database of parts, materials and labor items.
- Easy to duplicate and update estimates.
- Organizes parts, materials and / or labor items into assemblies for fast estimate creation.
- Works with US and Canadian editions of QuickBooks.
- Import utility included for Microsoft Excel and other databases and applications.
- Creates a formal bid / proposal document with your custom templates to suit your business for estimates, bid, proposals, invoices, purchase orders etc.
- Ability to include estimate line items or leave out of formal customer bid document.
- Direct E-Mail of bid / proposal documents to your customers.
- Creates annotated work orders from your estimates.
- Customizable fields.
- Up to 15 customizable cost basis categories including per item, per length, per length - weight, etc.
- Estimate items can be partitioned and grouped.
- Totals cost, weight, cost per weight, etc.
- Works with English Standard or Metric measurements.
- Built-in Backup / Smart Restore with automatic backup feature will synchronize databases from multiple computers.
- Print preview on all reports.
- Micro-context sensitive help.
- Network and multi-user capable.
- Windows 2000, XP and Vista support.
- Unlimited and multiple database support.
- Works with any Windows supported currency.
- Export to spreadsheet and word processor programs using file formats such as .RTF, .XLS, .PDF, or .TXT.
- United States and international paper size support.
Tags: estimate master, program, goldenseal, construction estimating, construction cost estimating, construction estimating residential, construction contractor estimating, comparison construction estimating inexpensive
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