This is an automated system, which means that it is programmed to only run when it’s told. There is no intervention and so it only trades when it’s most likely to place a winning trade. This lowers risk significantly and removes fundamental or human emotion.
ForexPipStack is a system that utilizes fundamental trading principles in an automated environment. At the core of ForexPipStack is a trading methodology that has been present in markets for well over a decade. This particular trading principal is combined with sophisticated risk management features. The true brilliance behind Forex Pip Stack is the fact that this process is spread out across multiple currency pairs to realize significant diversification. This diversification process is what brings Pip Stack smooth returns and well balanced risk. These factors are evident in Pip Stack’s back tests. When back testing Pip Stack, you will notice the system has positive trading performance over a multitude of currency pairs for an extended period of time. Testing the system on the EUR/USD & AUD/USD since the year 2000, you’ll notice the equity curve and trading statistics reveal that this system works in almost any market condition.
- Risk Adjustable Money Management
- Automated Position Sizing
- Runs on all Metatrader 4 brokers world wide
- 4 and 5 digit compatible
- Multi trading environment analysis and testing
-LOW START UP - Start with as little as $100
- HUGE MARKET - $3 Trillion traded around the world every day
- 24/5 - Non Stop Action, 24 hours a day 5 days per week (Sunday -Friday)
- Low Cost - Profit from rising and dropping prices, no matter what direction.
- No Size Limits - Trade as Large or Small as you wish.
Tags: forexpipstack, forex stack, forex pips, pips stack, trade, trading, tool, invest, system, pipstack
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