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How To Make Money With A Blog Free Download


How To Make Money With A Blog YES, you Can Learn How To Make Money Blogging Today and Within 24 Hours be Making Money Online! At: www.HowToMakeMoneyWithABlog.Net Learn the Best way to Starting a Niche Blog. How To Make Money Blogging Today and Within 24 Hours be Making Money Online & You Can Even Use A Free Online Blog with this method. 1) Quality Content: The index of success of Google AdSense on your blog is quality content. Comprehensive research, well-structured blog with popular keywords and right placement of ads would certainly drive in heavy web traffic to your blog site. As more and more visitors would visit your blog site, the probability of ads getting clicked by them would also increase thereby increasing your AdSense earnings. 2) Web Traffic: Clear understanding of SEO plays a key role here. Visitors type in their keyword search query and then land up on your website. Then you must format and optimize your blog in such a way that visitors get what they are looking for. So, it's essential to understand that your AdSense account won't increase zeroes in your wallet unless you have incoming traffic on your website. 3) Ad Color Tips: There are again some important tenets that must be kept in mind while integrating Google AdSense account into your blog: Keep the background color of Ads same as that of template background: You must take into consideration that the ads have the same background color as your website so that ads blend well with the template. The links should be of the same color as that used for the links placed in the content and also the ad description must be of the same color as the content of your blog. Ads without border perform well: It's a common observation that borderless ads perform better than ads placed within borders. 4)Ad Placement: The placement of the ads should be such that they are somewhere around the top of your page or at the bottom.

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