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The Mystery Method teaches that people have strong emotional reactions to others with significantly higher value. Men will have an emotional reaction in repsonse to a very attractive women, while women will have an emotional reaction in response to men who display the qualities of the 'Tribe Leader'. This emotional reaction leads to an adrenaline rush, and to act in a 'weird' way around the other person. An exceptionally attractive woman causes this reaction in the majority of men, so the method teaches that she will subconsciously believe that any male who appears emotionally unreactive to her is of higher value than she, and she will become attracted to him. Keywords: mystery style neil strauss vh1 pick up artist artists pua matador j dog jdog lovedrop tyler durden papa game art of seduction pickup method dating sex sexy girl girls women woman mind of area 51 lifestyle area51lifestyle david deangelo ross jeffries jefries how to date Daily Show, Jon Stewart tribute, The Pickup Artist, worlds greatest pick up artist, fear, approach, confidence, sarging, day game, k-close number close kiss close f-close, mystery method, pickup101, juggler, wayne elise zan, the game, real social dynamics, body language, pick up women, playboy, attract women, seduce women, badboy lifestyle, dating, relationships, women, infield footage, area51marketing, venusian arts

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