Perfect PDF 7 Office will be integrated in 16 widespreaded Windows applications: Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio und Project), (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math), Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. Perfect PDF 7 Office converts Microsoft Office, OpenOffice files and Documents, incl. metadata, Web sites and HTML files, images and Texts in PDF format. That means that the links, tables of contents, bookmarks, form fields and controls, comments and indexes of your Office documents will also be converted in the resulted PDF.
Main functionality:
- Microsoft Office and integration
- Import specific meta data from Office documents to PDF documents: document properties, table of contents, links, bookmarks, form fields and controls, comments, index filed in Word, attachment files in Outlook.
- Windows Explorer integration: converting any printable files to PDF files directly from context menu. Preview thumbnails of PDF files in thumbnail view mode.
- Display, print and search through PDF files. Fill, print and save interactive PDF forms. Sign, certify and time stamp PDF files with digital signatures.
- Create blank documents, documents from text or RTF, image files or scanned images. Export from PDF files plain text or document pages as images.
- Manage document properties, protect documents, define document permissions, manage document resources (fonts, images, layers, embedded files, etc.)
- Manage document pages: change order, insert or remove pages, change page size, orientation, label, etc.
- Decorate document pages with backgrounds, watermarks, headers and footers using template galleries. Import new templates from PDF files.
- Insert sticky notes and "red pen" notes, markup text (highlight, underline, replace and delete text comments
- Reader tools: magnifying glass, snapshot and measuring tool.
- View PDF files directly in Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Tags: office, word, excel, email, converter, technology, creation, viewing, convert, create, merge, tools, creator, , document, form, digital signature
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