PDF is short for Portable Document Format, which was a document format developed by Adobe Systems in 1993. Its advantages are compatible cross platform, preserve original layout of the document and free to develop PDF compatible software. PDF has been controlled by Adobe for a long time. In 2008, it was officially released as an open standard and published by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 32000-1:2008.
A PDF file format has become portable and compatible across platforms. As we all know, we can also create PDF by two methods easily. First one is that you can scan the paper document and save it in PDF formats. This is what we call scanned PDF document. Second one is that you can use the converter tools to create a PDF files easily. As we all know, there are many converter tools which enable you to convert MS Office files and other documents to PDF files. You can also ensure a PDF documents secure or safe by encrypting the document with passwords, digital signatures or certificates.
Some people would like to edit PDF files just like editing MS Word document. Anglesoft Free PDF Editor is the solution for viewing or editing PDF files. It is a professional software which enables you to add text, pictures, shapes, links and so on. It works just like a Word processor so that you can edit it quickly. You can change the text font, text color, and even align shape. You can change line color, brush color, line width and line style as well.
It also enables you to save the project for later editing. You can also open project and import PDF files to Anglesoft Free PDF Editor, and build it to PDF or flip book with page-flipping effect. If you would like to pay more attention to the details, you can zoom it in or out.
Would you like to convert PDF to 3D flipping book, you can use this [url=http://www.3dpageflip.com/pageflip-3d-pro/index.html] flip book maker [/url].
Tags: editor, edit, page flip