BurnPro is a burning application tool to simplify your burning needs. From now on, it's really easy to burn Audio CD, Data CD/DVD's, create Video DVD's (S)Video CD's, create and burn disc images, and more! It gives easy access to all functionality with a simple menu system, so you don't get lost. Just click, add files and burn!
BurnPro is an excellent disc burner tool, including a data CD/DVD burner to backup your important data like business document & family photos, a video DVD burner to burn the movies you collected to DVD (even Blue-Ray and HD ones) and a audio CD burner to create music CD from the recordings and audio files you got.
Audio CD Ripper of BurnPro is useful when you've got a large collection of CDs or the media player you use doesn't come with a built-in CD ripper. Now you can copy all the music CDs you have into your computer. The ripped tracks can be saved as uncompressed WAV & WMA of different qualities, including lossless WMA.
BurnPro provides an ISO maker to create ISO images from folders or any type of files; An ISO ripper is convenient when you need to create an ISO directly from a CD/DVD disc so that you can get an exact copy that can be mounted to the virtual drive later; More than that, the ISO burn helps write the ISO images you create or download to discs to use in your drive.
To avoid waste and data security issue, BurnPro comes with a disc eraser, designed to quick and environmental friendly wipe CDs/DVDs. After erasing, you can reuse them. Also, it's easy to know the properties of the drive connected to your computer and the disc within with the device info tool, which shows useful information like vendor, disc type, revision, read/write speed, used/free space, sessions, tracks and so on.
Tags: disc maker, data burner, burn data, video burner, burn video, audio burner, burn audio, audio ripper, audio, burner, burn, ripper, , maker, make, disc eraser, erase disc, device info
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