Mp3 Tag Assistant - effective editor of mp3 tags, playlist and filelist generator, music file manager and more.
Using Mp3 Tag Assistant, you can change tags for a large or very large list of music files. You can first change the data virtually, while the program will save all those changes to files afterwards. You will also be able to make the filenames the way you want them, create playlists/filelists, copy the changed files to the folders with your favorite music and other. The program has some unique features for editing large file lists. The program makes it possible to maximally automate the process of editing tags and other operations with music files.
The program has a customizable functional interface, supports various languages. To master the program quickly, you can take a short visual course on working with the program.
* Supported more 35 mp3 tags.
* Supported UNICODE symbols in mp3 tags. You can use symbols of your national alphabet in mp3 tags (diacritic symbols, umlauts, hieroglyphs, etc).
* Supported ID3v1 and ID3v2 mp3 tags.
* Batch tag editing, file renaming and etc.
* Quickly tag editing, file renaming and etc.
* Using Actions and custom Action Sets for processing a large list of mp3 files.
* Generate filenames using the information from tags using templates.
* Generate tags from filenames and folder names using templates.
* Generate CSV, TXT, XML filelists.
* Generate M3U, PLS playlist.
* Copy/Move original and result files.
* Supported multi line comments and lyrics.
* Supported multi languages interface.
* Short visual training course of how work with the program.
* Wizard to help edit mp3 files.
* Automatic log changes of files.
* Manual sorting mode.
* Advanced Drag and Drop functions.
* Support all OS Windows.
* Integration with Winamp 2.x/5.x and a built-in Mp3 player.
Mp3 Tag Assistant is not just an mp3 tag editor, but something more sophisticated. Try and see it for yourself!
Tags: editor, music file, file editor, easily, action, edit, filename, comment, operation, play, generate, renamer, lyrics, player, rename file, files, operations above files, , file, picture, music, sound, audio
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