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Flipbook_Theme_Package_Classical_Flowers Free Download


In Victorian times, the choice of flowers was limited and people like to use more symbols and gestures to communicate than words, so that different flowers have different meanings. As we all know, red rose say "I Love you". If you fall in love with somebody, you can express your love to others by send roses and cards. If you want to be forgiven by others, you can send the flowers, purple hyacinth, to say "I am sorry, please forgive me"... Now, unzip the Classical Flowers theme package, you will get 6 themes which designed with 6 flowers images as background, including sakura, the Lavender Flower meaning waiting for love, lotus, dandelion etc. You can use the free theme to design your flip book background and toolbar color easily, just import the theme you want to any FlipBuilder program. With using different theme to create flipping book, you can easy to tell readers what you want to say. 1. Run Flip program; 2. Click Menu: File->Import Theme, select the *.thm (themes) form open dialog box; 3. Open Template Window by clicking "Classical/Float/Spread/Neat" to choose imported theme in Select Template interface; 4. Use the theme you have just imported. Note: All free Flip Themes Packages are available in any FlipBuilder software. With those Themes & Template you can make more professional and interactive Page-Flipping eBook as you want.

Tags: classical flowers, language flowers, flowers meanings, flipping book


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