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Flipbook_Themes_Package_Classical_Artistic Free Download


Art is not a thing — it is a way. We are all evolutionary artists, regardless of our particular skills or talents or styles of self-expression. We work in the dark, we do what we can, and we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art. If you put your heart into art and watch carefully, you will find that life is full of art. For example, the performing arts, music, dance, dramas and movies we always enjoy in common life. While making your flipping book about garden design, building design, or home design, you can choose one of the themes in Classical Artistic Theme package, and import into your program to design the book background and toolbar color in a short time. Easy for you to make an imaginative and creative flipbook with any Classical Artistic Theme! 1. Run Flip program; 2. Click Menu: File->Import Theme, select the *.thm (themes) form open dialog box; 3. Open Template Window by clicking "Classical/Float/Spread/Neat" to choose imported theme in Select Template interface; 4. Use the theme you have just imported. Note: All free Flip Themes Packages are available in any FlipBuilder software. With those Themes & Template you can make more professional and interactive Page-Flipping eBook as you want.

Tags: classical artistic, free theme, artistic background, creative ebook


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