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Flipbook_Themes_Package_Classical_Lotus Free Download


Have you ever observed a lotus flower emerging from a murky pond? If you have, do you know what the meaning of lotus flower is? As we all know, the lotus flower grows in muddy water, and rises above the surface to bloom. At night the lotus flower closes and sinks under water. At dawn it rises and opens again. So, the meaning of the lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good luck. Yet, much like the rose in Western society, different colors of the lotus have different meanings. White Lotus symbolizes a pure body, mind and spirit, along with spiritual perfection and a pacification of one's nature. Pink Lotus is the supreme lotus, it is often associated with the highest deity, the Buddha himself. And the purple lotus is considered to be a symbol of homage. Now, we use the Lotus images as classical template background to design a lotus theme package for you to create a pure and elegant page flipping book, easy to share the beautiful scene of lotus flower to others if people flip you book page to read. 1. Run Flip program; 2. Click Menu: File->Import Theme, select the *.thm (themes) form open dialog box; 3. Open Template Window by clicking "Classical/Float/Spread/Neat" to choose imported theme in Select Template interface; 4. Use the theme you have just imported. Note: All free Flip Themes Packages are available in any FlipBuilder software. With those Themes & Template you can make more professional and interactive Page-Flipping eBook as you want.

Tags: classical lotus, lotus flower, free theme, page flipping book


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