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Flipbook_Themes_Package_Spread_Brief Free Download


When you make page flipbooks in FlipBuilder program, you will want to design the background of book with some images or swf. Yet, if use some colorful images as the background, people will take more attention to the background images while reading, not your ebook. So, we offer you a free package, called Spread Brief Theme package, which helps you to design your book in a short time. All those themes are designed with simple and concise images. Once you apply brief theme to FlipBuilder program, you will easy to decorate and show your book with brief background. Of course, spread template also offers multiple functional features for people reading clearly and easily, such as zoom in/out page, preview pages in Thumbnail panel, list of book page title, and various navigation ways. With Spread Brief Theme package, easy to give your book a professional look. 1. Run Flip program; 2. Click Menu: File->Import Theme, select the *.thm (themes) form open dialog box; 3. Open Template Window by clicking "Classical/Float/Spread/Neat" to choose imported theme in Select Template interface; 4. Use the theme you have just imported. Note: All free Flip Themes Packages are available in any FlipBuilder software. With those Themes & Template you can make more professional and interactive Page-Flipping eBook as you want.

Tags: spread brief, simple concise, page flipbooks, brief background, free themes


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