Free PageFlipPDF Editor
PageFlipPDF Editor offered here is a 100% PDF free tool which enables you to modify and edit PDF document with easy steps and friendly user-interface. This tiny tool includes many basic editing function and further editing settings to help you with your PDF work. Absolutely, editing and modifying PDF will never be difficult. In PageFlipPDF Editor, you can add words, images and shapes in the PDF page; you can draw lines, arrows as well as rectangle and high light. This allows you editing PDF words and images more conveniently. Let's get more information about features of PageFlipPDF Editor in the following test.
Comprehensive PDF editing function
PageFlipPDF Editor provides a list of editing function for PDF document. As the editing tool bar shows to us, seven columns are included. They are Insert Shape, Font, Shape Style, Color and Line Style, Align Shape, Clipboard, Edit. Users can easily find out the function through the classified column and add words or other elements ad they want. It's simply to rich PDF page content in a short time. What's more, there are a list of clipboard options (do, undo, copy, paste, select all, unselect all, delete) to help you easily modify your PDF document.
Different inserts are all available
The inserts includes line, arrow, rectangle, high light, circle, font, images, text, links and so on. All the resources are great assistant to guide you design your PDF page. you can simplily adjust format of these elements to get a good layout. For example, change font type and its color, make a rectangle transparent of clear, or change high light color to make it more suitable to your PDF page background.
Tags: pageflippdf editor, pageflippdf, page, flipping book, convert flipping, edit