AFP to Text Converter allows users to quickly convert AFP documents IBM MO:DCA (AFP, IOCA and PTOCA) to plain text files.
Convert AFP to Text
Convert AFP to TXT
Transform AFP to TXT directly without conversion to IPDS by the PSF (Print Services Facility)
Optimize AFP transform either by speed or by quality
Speedy conversion to efficiently handle production sized jobs
Maintain directory tree structure for AFP conversion
Delete or keep input files after conversion
Customize output file name with date and time information as prefix or suffix
Extract text and embedded images from AFP files
Support Western European, Central European, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Thai, Turkish, UTF-8 encoding
Extended support for CJK fonts including Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Preserve hyperlink
Remove bookmark and frames
Keep line breaks between paragraph
Output hidden text
Extract embedded images in preferred image format
Zoom AFP document before conversion
Define EOL (End-Of-Line) style among Windows, DOS, Mac, and Unix.
Generate complex document with complicated components
AFP to Text Conversion Advantages
Archive AFP/IPDS in TXT format with Windows, DOS, Mac, Unix EOL
Easy integration with any applications
Make text in AFP editable
Eliminate the need for specialized printers
Avoid new investment on IPDS capable printers
Reduce printing cost
Avoid costly changes or replacement of your AFP based print applications
Save papers and protect the environment
Accelerate the delivery of reports by email, FTP, and network shared folder
Lessen storage budget for hard copy reports
Increase efficiency of information retrieval
Take snapshot of AFP/IPDS printing in any timeframe
Reduce risk by geographically distributing data on multiple storage devices
Distribute transformed AFP/IPDS documents as text files across OS platforms
Tags: text, converter, conversion, transform, convert, , windows, batch
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