Compared with traditional paper version which takes up a lot space, PDF is good for storing & distributing electronic documents. The content may not be altered in the process of transmission for it is copyright protected anyone without the right permission can't access it, but also it is platform and version independent and receivers usually need an Adobe Reader to read it. Freemore PDF Converter combines several features to access PDF. You can input your PDF to read it, print it out by your printer, convert it to image formats (JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIF, etc.), convert it to text (TXT & Word), add or remove password, apply digital signature, edit metadata, etc. It's a compact PDF toolbox.
Freemore PDF Converter is the optimal solution to convert any PDF document into standard image file formats like BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc. with minimum consumption of time. It also converts read-only PDF documents into text files to use it in web pages, word processing documents, PowerPoint presentations, desktop publishing software, search and indexing applications, or in content management systems. It even lets you reuse content by converting PDF files to editable Microsoft Word for editing, analysis and other reversioning, while maintaining the same quality of the original PDF file.
This free PDF converter empowers you to totally control over page range to define which pages to be converted. You can convert the exact page(s) by inputting self-defined page numbers or page ranges, or just convert all pages or current page. You can convert the exact page(s) to image or plain text by inputting self-defined page numbers or page ranges, or just convert all pages or current page. It generates high resolution images or multi frame TIFF images and provides preset DPI values (from 50 DPI to 800 DPI) to directly control the quality of output images accurately (DPI stands for Dots Per Inch.). It is totally free and contains no adware, spyware or any other malicious components.
Tags: tools, free tools, document, free, converter, previewer, preview, image converter, free image converter, free text converter, word, word converter, free word converter, convert