Oriens RAWConverter converts your digital raw files in batch into usable image formats such as JPEG, JPEG2000 and TIFF to name a few, by processing intrinsic raw settings and post-raw editing tasks. It supports changing and tweaking many of the shooting parameters 'after' exposure, based on one's need and expectation. These options allow for different dimensional view of the photo to be generated from the raw data. It can either use the actual raw data (slow process but best for quality) or the full-fledged embedded JPEG/TIFF (fast process but compromise on quality) for the conversion - to get the best of both worlds. For fast viewing, it loads the embedded thumbnails instead of using raw data. Support various post raw conversion tasks such as resize, crop, rotation and orientation, all at the comfort of a click. A must have tool for professional photographers and amateurs.
Supported RAWs - CR2, CRW - Canon, DNG - Adobe Digital Negative, MRW, MDC - Konica Minolta, NEF - Nikon, ORF - Olympus, PEF, PTX - Pentax, RAF - Fuji, RAW - Panasonic, Casio, Leica, SR2 - Sony, X3F - Sigma, DCR, KDC, DC2, K25 Kodak, BAY - Casio (Bayer), ERF - Epson, FFF - Imacon/Hasselblad, MOS - CREO Photo, PXN - Fotoman, RDC - Ricoh
Tags: camera, exif, jpeg, tiff, white balance, lossless transformation
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