3D Photo Browser Std is a must for viewing, editing and organizing your images, 3D files and audio files.
For each directory, 3D Browser Std displays high quality thumbnails in a comfortable customizable window. 3D Browser Pro recognized more than 60 image formats, many 3D formats and most of audio files.
Images or scenes can be displayed or edited using the built-in viewers or in an external application, using the fast application access toolbar, drag & drop, or the application selection dialog. You can also import images from a digital camera (WIA) or a scanner (TWAIN).
You can describe each file using the keywords and information panel, specifying a legend, some notes and a title... You can display the most important properties such taking-picture condition information (for images issued from a digital camera), faces and points number, materials information for 3D files. All these information can be displayed next the thumbnails or used for searching your files.
The image viewer includes a wide range of tools (rotate, crop, resize, filters...), slides show, conversion and printing features.
The OpenGL viewer clearly shows scene hierarchy and materials, displays textures and includes slides show, conversion and printing features. It also includes a decimation tool to optimize your scenes.
3D Photo Browser Std also plays your audio files and allows you to edit the MP3 specific information (genre, track, length...). It performs combined operation (copy, rename) when an audio and an image file share the same name (file association).
Printing a single image or a scene is possible, using the printing command of the image viewer or the OpenGL viewer. You simply define the position and the printing size. In each printing module, a preview window allows you to verify what will be printed.
Tags: thumbnail, photo, camera, image, audio, scene, object, edit, organize, browse, convert, view, print, keyword, information, description, album, exif, twain, music, html, search, criterion, jpeg, lightwave, optimize, decimate
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