Graphic file conversion tool provides efficient solution to process pictures and apply filters to correct quality of images. Photos processing application provides BMP, TGA and PCX saving parameters with ability to create compressed file. Batch image processor program contains alpha channel setting to copy information about transparency from original file. Download Picture editing freeware to modify images using different effects like sharpen, detail, smooth, blur and contour. Digital picture enhancer utility performs image editing and saves to different file formats like BMP, GIF, JP2, JPG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIF, PDF and ICO. Image processing software allows user to make watermark on single or multiple images at the same time.
Tags: digital, photos, editing, edit, convert, image, file, download, picture, enhancer, tool, resize, crop, rotate, mirror, batch, graphics, process, sharpen, blur, color, channel, remove, , transparency, watermarks, borders
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