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Inzomia viewer Free Download


The Inzomia Viewer is simple to use fast image viewer. It allows you to use the unique Inzomia features such as pan & zoom and fullscreen mode on your own images. Supports JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP and LWF images, without altering your registered filetypes. The Inzomia viewer uses the Inzomia ActiveX (included with the installation) to be able to display images with smooth realtime filtered zoom. The inzomia viewer does nothing more than displays images but does that faster than any other viewer. This verison has all the advantages of the earlier versions and o Stores the last used window size between runs o Go to next previous image with Alt + arrow keys o Better handling of broken images

Tags: viewer, picture, image, inzomia, inzoomia, accentric, desktop, zoom, fullscreen, wavelet, jpeg, targa, free


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